Regular Hours
We are generally open 10-7 Mon - Sat and 12-5 Sundays.
For more information and to generally stay up to date, visit
our Facebook page.
In addition, please give your consideration to:
- Our Facebook page, which is updated pretty frequently and is a
good way to contact us with any questions or concerns.
- Our Etsy shop! Yes, we sell a fascinating variety of printed
items through Etsy, chiefly the sorts of things that you wouldn't have been looking for but would want just because it's
a strange or beautiful or antiquarian book, or magazine, or objet d'art. Or even things that are too well-used
to be sold normally but which can live on as craft materials. So if you want a 1903 romance novel with a carved cover,
an obscure hundred-year-old humor magazine, a Civil War-era children's book, or something even less likely, take a look.
About Us

Curious Book Shop is a used and rare book store located in downtown East Lansing. Originally started in a basement in 1969, the store has since expanded to three floors of over 50,000 well-organized books, magazines, and other paper items.
We take great pride in supplying books to the community - everything from recent paperbacks to scarce antiquarian titles. Our staff members are knowledgeable and dedicated to good customer service. Shop specialties are science fiction, mystery, children's books, Michigan history, sports memorabilia, and old magazines of every variety. We invite you to stop by and browse.
Regular Hours:
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday - Saturday
12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sunday
If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter, please email us at curiousbooks@gmail.com
Latest News
New inventory comes in constantly! And more of it than you'd probably think. Check back often to see what's new, or try emailing us if you're looking for something you just can't find.
It's a book show! Thank you to everyone
who came to the book show at the
Causeway Bay Hotel! Our next show will be October 6th, same location!
Watch this space --
or just follow us on Facebook.
Click here to see a video of
the 54th Michigan Antiquarian Book and Paper Show. This was at our old location, but it gives
an idea of what the show's all about.
Please note that Curious will be CLOSED Saturday, Sunday, and Monday due to the show and related
activities! That's April 20th through April 22nd.
With great sadness, we have to confirm that the Archives Book Shop has closed. However, as we
work on the huge task of moving everything out of the building, Ray is often available there and
still happy to sell almost anything someone wants to carry away for us! Usually at a large discount.
Feel free to call the old Archives number (517 332-8444) or just drop by -- if he's there, the door
is usually open! But, alas, not for much longer.
Book Reviews
Some of Ray's book reviews can be found on our blog, where you can read the full review and browse others from the archive. Take a look!